At American Pool & Spa in Richmond, KY, we are here to help you get ready for the colder months. We will properly close your pool so it stays safe in the winter, and it will be ready for you when the warmer temperatures return. Call our team today with any questions. Once the swimming season has ended and you are ready to close up your pool for the fall and winter, we return for a full-service closure. Closing includes:
- Cleaning all filters
- Blowing out pool and spa lines and plug
- Blowing out equipment
- Removal of plugs
- Treating the water with winterizing chemicals
- Putting antifreeze in the skimmers
- Inspecting and replacing the pool cover

We can show you why winterizing is the most important thing you can do to make your spring pool opening as easy as possible. There are enormous benefits to correctly closing your pool, including:
- Protecting your pool surfaces and equipment.
- Keeping water looking its best all winter long.
- Protecting equipment from freeze damage.
- Saving money on extra maintenance when you open your pool.

Vacation Preparation
While on vacation, debris and bacteria can collect in your pool and upset the water balance. Consider a “vacation plan” to prevent problems so you can come home to a clear pool and not a messy surprise.
- Contact us for a vacation maintenance plan.
- Clean your pool thoroughly, brushing and vacuuming walls and floors.
- Test pool water and make sure it’s properly balanced. Anything that’s out of balance-total alkalinity, pH, calcium hardness-will likely get worse when left unattended.
- Run your pump at least eight hours a day to help prevent algae and bacteria growth. (Either set your timer or ask a neighbor to turn it on and off.)
- Upon returning, have us perform a water analysis to ensure that your pool is properly balanced and ready for swimming.